Crazy pills

What happened:

I’d been living with my PTSD in full swing for a few years. I want to say it was 2010. Due to some self stigma and negative outlooks I had avoided medication, however at this point I was seeing a doctor and a therapist.

My doctor and my therapist both gave strong indications that I might find mental health medications helpful. So after a lot of resistance, I made an appointment with a psychiatrist on the base.

One of the troops I was in charge of told me a story the day she saw someone from that office. She said she went in and the doctor only had two questions. “What’s your favorite nut?” and “What’s your favorite fruit?”. She said after she gave her answers, he diagnosed her with “Mixed Anxiety Depression”, wrote her a prescription, sent her on her way.

She was impressed, and very happy with the care she had received.

I went to the same office the next day (lots of different doctors, one office). He starts like this: “What’s your favorite nut?” and “What’s your favorite fruit?”

I guess he never looked at my diagnosis of PTSD, depression, etcetera. He just went straight to it.

I walked out of his office with a diagnosis of “Mixed Anxiety Depression”, and a prescription to treat it.

How it affected me:

More to come

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Broken Molars

Exploring trauma from different lenses